Mar / 22


სასტუმრო "იმერეთი" ორგანიზებას უწევს ექსკურსიებს ქალაქის და შემოგარენის ღირსშესანიშნაობების დასათვალიერებლად. ექსკურსია მოიცავს:

Historical and cultural sightseengs: Gelati temple (XI century), Motsameta temple(VIII century) and Bagrati temple (X-XI centuries)
Recreative tour in Tskhaltubo resort.
National park of Sataplia (where the Colchian forests, with its relict and endemic samples and Dinosaur footprints are protected). Here are well-known Sataplia caves. Beautiful colored woods of stalactites and stalagmites in the cave creates a wonderful show.
"Prometheus Cave", wich is one of the most beautiful caves in Europe, was renewed in 2011.
Tours may be planned in Svaneti mountains or littoral zone.